Unpredictable Disaster

            Earthquake is one of the dangerous and life threatening natural disaster which can come anytime and anywhere on the Earth.
            Earthquake is a trembling or shaking movement of the surface earth. Earthquake is a life pending event that liable for the huge damage to the living and non-living beings. Not all countries experienced disasters like typhoon, tsunami and especially earthquake. If there is a typhoon we are always ready but in earthquake we don’t know the exact time to come. We feel some vibrations on a place where we standing. If there is an earthquake many buildings and houses will destroy and some people got some fear of what is happening in the environment. It causes lots of disturbance of to the living beings and useful natural resources.
            In every school, there is a program called earthquake drill. A teacher instructs and guide their students to do the duck, cover and hold for their safety. The students will go to the wide place or space where the buildings and trees are far away with them. It is important to do this program for the protection of the students and for everyone.
            Earthquake is a stout disaster that we will witness in our life. This is the disaster that is very dangerous because of its shocking for the upcoming of the earthquake. We also think that nothing is more disastrous than this natural calamity.
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