Disaster preparedness

Natural disaster resilience
“ kahandaan sa sakunat peligro para sa tunay na pagababago”

            Some disaster is so very dangerous like earthquake, tsunami and typhoon. There are 2 types of disaster, natural disaster and human induced disaster.
            Natural disaster, like typhoon, earthquake and tsunami are so damn dangerous. Human is one of the reason why natural disaster occurs. A people that has no discipline. They don’t know how to care the mother earth. human induced, example an accident. Some people don’t follow some signs in the road and some law of the government like wearing helmet when you’re riding.
            We must always ready to face the disaster. Just be active listening to the news if there is a disaster win come. Ready the first aid kit, survival kit in your house. Always be ready to avoid some accidents and not to damage anything. Before the disaster, ready all the first aid kit and foods that cannot be cooked and ready a survival kit. During the disaster, just be calm and stay what you are. After the disaster, check around and help yourself to be a strong and help others.
            Be active , be ready in every disaster. Don’t panic yourself. Always ready to stay away from accidents.
Image result for disaster preparednessREFERENCE: https://www.google.com/search?q=disaster+preparedness&rlz=1C1CHBF_enPH778PH778&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwis8Ov8zfrjAhVOc3AKHWifCRsQ_AUIESgB&biw=1366&bih=657#imgrc=NtCIn7F_46XtlM:


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